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Inspire, engage & educate
Join T'ang Quartet Tribe and be part of an enriching journey
Edu & Community T'ang Quartet builds long-term partnerships with community leaders on a grassroots level. Together, we bring our love of classical music to the heartlands in our outreach. Donations are used transparently, meaningfully and purposely in the production of performances, free workshops and more. An Open, Holistic Space We want to create an open educational environment for those who may have limited experience and knowledge in classical music. Meeting musicians in the flesh, and hearing an instrument played live as a quartet, displays a wealth of treasures worth discovering. Thus, we bring the stage and fun directly to audiences in schools, public libraries and community centers. For many, these are their first exposure to a live classical music performances by professional musicians. We hope you will share our vision of enriching the classical music landscape, and your contributions will go a long way in helping us do that at the highest level. |